.B1 – Language Adventure 1.2.

Language Adventure Phase 3

Speaking – Weather


1- Read the text in the bubble and talk.

2- Look, read and talk.

What’s the weather like?

What type of weather do people prefer the most?   Why?

 Do you choose your outfit depending on the weather?

 Why do you think people refer to cloudy days as gloomy days?

Do you agree?

 gloomy = sad, gray & depressing


If you had the opportunity to live in another country because of the weather, what country would it be?

What’s the most common weather in your country?

Do activities in your country stop or change when weather changes radically?

Living in a country with all types of weather is a good/bad thing? Explain.

common = ordinary, usual


Do you do particular activities depending on the weather? Explain.

Ought you to wear warm clothes when it’s a cold day?

Can you stand staying in a place with extreme weather [hot or cold]? Explain.

Should people adapt their homes depending on the type of weather in the area they live in?

ought to = when talking about things which are desired or ideal

should = to indicate obligation


What weather do you think kids prefer the most?

Do you think people get used to a specific weather?

Do you agree to buy new clothes when seasons / weather change(s)? Explain.

Should shops give big discounts when weather changes? Explain.


3- Click on the pictures – they will take you to some weather phrases and vocabulary sites.

  • Check out on the phrases and new vocabulary you can use.
  • Take notes on words you don’t know or don’t remember.
  • Choose 3 favourite phrases and think about why those are your favourite ones.
  • Share with the class.




4- Watch the video and take notes on the types of weather and extra vocabulary.

  • Do you know most of the lexis you saw on this video?


5- Look and talk.

  • According to the picture, discuss the weather in the city during the week.
  • Mention 1 activity from each type of weather you can do during the day.
  • Mention the 3 types of weather the place where you live has.



6- Read and talk.

  • To summarize, what’s the most common weather that people prefer?
  • Why do you think the weather is changing more nowadays than past years?



7. Watch the video and take notes.

  • What are some weather conversation words?
  • What are some weather conversation phrases?
  • Pause the video when you need to.
  • Share with the class.

We don’t own the rights to this video. Video Source: Learn English with Bob the Canadian – on YouTube.

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8- Look, read and do some plans according to the weather in your country.

  • What is the upcoming season of the year in your country?
  • What activities do you think your friends would like to do in that season?
  • Think about 1 new activity you haven’t done with your friends and mention it.
  • How many of your friends do you think would be down on this activity?
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9- Share the information you got for your plan.

The teacher will comment on your sharing.

Some classmates will comment on your sharing.

Take notes on the comments.


You will need the comments to make some improving changes to your planning.


10- Watch the video and take notes.

  • Make and present a final plan.
  • Remember, the planner is for you to write key information.

We don’t onw the rights to this video. Video Source: Learn English by Pocket Passport – on YouTube.

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Phase 3, Check! You Rock!

Up next, Writing Adventure.

Click on the image and try the next adventure.

Writing Adventure : )