. B1 – Language Adventure 1.3.

Language Adventure Phase 4

Writing – Weather


1- Read the text in the bubble and talk.

2- Look and talk.

  • What are the pictures about?
  • What do you think of when you see them?
  • What can you see in each – things, scenario, etc?


3- Look, read and talk.

  • What specific information can you get from each announcement?
  • Are the announcements useful?


4- Watch the video and talk.

  • Discuss the tips to improve your writing skills.

We don’t own the rights to this video. Video Source: Smrt English – on YouTube.


5- Look at the formal letter.

  • You saw some announcements about weather and cancelled flights.
  • Complete the letter.
  • The manager could be a Sir or a Madam.
  • Share with the class and the teacher for some checking and feedback.
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6- Look at the letter notes, vocabulary, or phrases.

  • You will send the following letter to your sister.
  • You will be telling the story about your travel and your cancelled flight because of weather conditions.
  • Use the extra vocabulary and phrases to complete the letter.
  • Find the meanings on the second page.
  • Share with the class and the teacher for some checking and feedback.
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7- Write your sister’s response.

  • Imagine you are the sister of that letter (Anya), and you want to visit your brother (Lion).
  • Write the reply.

Examples of points to include:

  • What are your complete plans for your travel?
  • How can you ask your parents to let you go alone?
  • You need to have a plan B if the weather conditions change, what would it be?
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Phase 4, Check! You Rock!

Up next, Grammar Adventure.

Click on the image and try the next adventure.

Grammar Adventure : )