Language Adventure Phase 2
Listening – Clothes
1- Read the text in the bubble and talk.
1- Watch the video and answer the questions.
- How many stores does the girl visit?
- How does the girl describe the shops?
- What phrase does the girl use to express she is excited to share the video?
- What item does the girl think is a bit expensive?
- What phrase does the girl use for expressing that?
- How many items does the girl show from the first store?
- What item was $ 5.99?
- What does the girl say about the purses?
- What item did the girl try on in Zara?
- What item was difficult to choose? Why?
- How does the girl say it was time to eat something?
- What phrase does the girl use to express she is not buying anything, just seeing?
We don’t own the rights to this video. Video source: Isabella Medrado – on YouTube.
2- There are other two girls giving advice on fashion for teens.
- Watch the video and complete the phrases.
We don’t own the rights to this video. Video source: ehowbeauty – on YouTube.
3- Read, listen and complete the text.
- Use one word for each line.
Audio for the completing activity.
Audio for the matching.
We don’t own the rights to this audio. Video-Audio source: Loescher Editore video – on YouTube.
4- Word hunting – read and write the words.
- Match the words with the meanings.
5- On prompt talking.
- Look, read and complete the ideas.
Phase 2, Check! You Rock!
Up Next, Speaking Adventure.
Click on the image and try the next adventure.
A Speaking Adventure : )