Language Adventure Phase 4
Writing – Clothes
1- Read the text in the bubble and talk.
2- Look and talk.
- What are the messages?
- What details can you get from each sign?
3- Look, read and talk.
- What specific information can you get from each advert?
- Does it look interesting or appealing to you? (appealing = attracting)
4- Watch the video and talk.
- What are some important points to improve writing skills?
We don’t own the rights to this video. Video Source: Learn Easy English – on YouTube.
5- Look at the email and the notes.
- You saw some advertisements about offers and discounts on clothes and accesories.
- Complete the email.
- The sales manager is Ms. Jordan.
- Share with the class and the teacher for some checking and feedback.
6- Look at the email and the notes.
- You will send the following email to a friend.
- You will be sharing about the store and the offers and discounts you know of.
- Use the words to complete the email.
- Do the matching on the second page.
- Share with the class and the teacher for some checking and feedback.
7- Write on your friends’ response.
Imagine your friend says she wants to go to the store to check it out.
Send an email to your parents telling them about it.
Examples of points to include:
- If they would let you go to the store to do some shopping.
- Who you are going with.
- If they can drive you there.
- How you will pay for the shopping.
Share with the class!
Phase 4, Check! You Rock!
Up next, Grammar Adventure.
Click on the image and try the next adventure.
Grammar Adventure : )