Book page 99
Book page 99
The examiner will give you a picture – you will have to tell what you can see in it.
Ex - I am going to give each of you a photograph and I’d like you to talk about it. S1, here is your photograph. It shows a group of friends in a mall.
For S1 - Please, tell us what you can see in the photograph.
Ex - S2, here is your photograph. It shows a group of people in a garden.
For S2 - Please, tell us what you can see in the photograph.
TipsRemember to use descriptive language; that is...
I can see...• There is...• There are...• At the back, there is/are...• She is...• He is...• He looks...• She seems to be....• Etc.
“This is a time for you to show the range of vocabulary you can use.”